Minggu, 25 September 2016

Q-Smart Tour & Travel

About Us
Q_Smart tour travel is a subsidiary of Q_Smart Corp aiming to provide learning and understanding on environmental issues and challenges through direct experiential learning with nature and hands on involvement in the ground.

Why do Eco Travelling with us ?
We have a localized experience in providing unique first hand experiences in the ground with a focus in empowering the local community in our sites to preserve their culture and conserve the environment.
Our tour guides are experienced in nature interpretation and have a deep understanding on local area and culture, competent in biodiversity and handling interactive tour experience.

Who Should Join ?
·      Young at heart, minimum 15 years old
·      Adventurous
·      Enthusiastic
·      Well determined and motivated
·      Interested in exploring rainforest issues
·      Care for the environment and real conservation challenges
·      Love wildlife and biodiversity
·      Passionate in seeing different walks of life and parts of the world
·      Want to help improving local community while travelling

*) Some part of our profit will be donated to improve enviromental education and conservation efforts inside the national park)

Contact Persons
Head Offiece :  Jl.Agus Salim No 33c-34c Delta Pawan, Ketapang - Kalimantan Barat
Phone             :  (0534)35546


 Q_Smart tourtravel

 0813 2690 8777 - 0821 5307 2613

 Q_Smart Tor&Travel